My daughter has a ritual for bed time. This is something she came up with herself. We do the normal getting ready for bed routine and tuck her in. She now insist that Blake snuggle with her while we read her a Bible story. Then comes and Oliver story or a Curious George story. After that we sing two songs... one song is a song that she makes me make up on the spot. I'll ask her, " What do you want to sing now?" Then she will point to her shoes, or her toes, or tonight it was her bunny rabbit. The funny thing is she remembers these songs and expects me to remember the words too. I'm not sure why she likes this so much... I'll give you an example of my poor lyrics.
The Bunny Hops song.
The Bunny Rabbit goes
One Hop One Hop
Please don't stop

Please don't stop
The Bunny Rabbit Goes
One Hop
The Bunny Rabbit goes
one two, Hop Hop
What to do What to do?
The bunny Rabbit Goes
One, two. Hop Hop
The Bunny Rabbit Goes
1,2,3, Hop Hop Hop
Follow me Follow me
The Bunny Rabbit Goes
1,2,3 Hop, hop, Hop

The Bunny Rabbit Goes
1,2,3,4, Hop hop hop hop
Through the door, through the door
The Bunny Rabbit Goes
1,2,3,4 Ho Hop Hop Hop
The Bunny Rabbit Goes
1,2,3,4,5 Hop Hop Hop Hop Hop
Stayin alive, stayin ALIVE!
The Bunny Rabbit Goes
Hop Hop hop hop hp
That's were we are going to stop.
The shoe song was pretty similar to this. She has warned me that she wants a song about Eayore...
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