I wish to be always childlike. I have two children to help me fulfill this wish. It's a good thing I have them too because I become much to absorbed in the chores I want to get done. I forget that " in every job that must be done there is an element of fun. Find that fun and SNAP, that Job is a game." A couple of weeks ago I needed to scrub my floors down ( every two weeks or so I hand scrub my floors and move all the furniture) I was determined to get this done! But my daughter wanted a story. Guess what story she wanted? Cinderella, because " Mommy is my princess." After reading Cinderella Hailey wanted to help. Now she had to be dressed as a princess, of course, so we got her in a get up and she found the dress that was given to me to make her a princess outfit. She insisted that I be her Cinderella. We were Cinderella together.

Every mom should get a gown at the thirft store, get a gown a few sizes too big and do this. I couldn't believe how much fun we had.
She actually worked very hard!
There were a few slip-ups... literally. She is rubbing her bum after a fall . |
But she kept smiling and kept working. Just like a real princess. Hopefully a bit like her " mommy princess." |
Very cute post, love it :)