fall blog

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday morning madness

Sunday, the day of rest, a day to worship, a morning of complete insanity. I love going to church, once I get there, getting ready to go makes... well just say we are a family with a newborn, a two year old, an insomniac Daddy and a sleep deprived, slightly deranged Mommy. This Sunday was a little more crazy than usual. This Sunday I fell asleep after the 4:30 A.M. feeding, THIS Sunday I was supposed to play piano ( not something I excel at) and THIS Sunday I had spent the night comforting a cranky child and doing unspeakable things in the bathroom. O yes, I went there, but I had to so you would understand why I had become the most raving lunatic in our asylum.
I 4:45 A.M. I fed my son and was burping him when I thought I heard the creak of a door, but since my daughter didn't appear and ask "what you donin?" I dismissed it as being nothing until I went back to bed. Then I saw it. A sweet little vision in pink snuggled with her best friend, on the floor next to Daddy's side of the bed. Well, well, a sleep walker. Just what I need, I already have one! I disturbed them and made the dog sigh and glare at me and I made my daughter cry for 15 minutes because she didn't know why she had to go to bed again. She has great skill with the words why. After I got her into bed I fell into mine and was awakened by the melodious cries of Blake. Well shoot! I only meant to sleep for an hour! Hailey is up 10 minutes later. Have you read my blog about the shower? This time instead of shoes I hear question like " can I was your but?" and " Are you naked?!?" Which is immediately reported to Daddy whose trying to keep Blake company. Then the toilet flushes.... It's really HOT now! I get out of the shower. It's 8:30, my husband needs a shower, I need to get dressed, I need to dress the naked maniac that is jumping on my bed and feed her, the baby needs to be dressed and that's always fun because his dress clothes are even more limited than mine! Growing and shrinking make clothing in short supply. Now my husband is able to dress himself and is generally helps me keep sane in the morning but this morning he was up half the night because he's an insomniac and we need to be early because I can't practice at home. ( Try playing an instrument with a two year old and a baby in a snugly... It just isn't quality practice time.) The poor church has to get along with my Sunday morning run through and then we just muddle through it. They are troopers.
My dear daughter and I discussed at length which "princess dress" she was going to wear, once she was dressed I fed her bread with butter and some juice, which she fed me for awhile while I fed her brother. Hey at least I got to eat something!!! Ok. Somewhere in there I got dressed and let the dog out, and forgot about him but hey he's a polite guy. After peeking in the window at us for awhile he politely banged on the screen door... 12 TIMES! Finally released from the baby and putting him protective custody ( Sister likes ot pick him up) I manage to find her hair clips. The Sunday morning war ensues. Have you ever tried to comb a two year olds hair when they want to drive their truck?! It's exciting for both parties. O wait!!! I have ADD and I forgot to let the dog in. The dog is in, he is fed, and watered. What do I need to do now? Husband is dressed, baby is screaming and not dressed, little girl has no shoes  and is spreading the contents of our diaper bag. I can't remember what I was going to play! Wait. I don't have shoes. Take a deep breath, wish for some coffee. Mommy keeps telling Hailey to put her shoes on with no luck while Daddy keeps trying to calm down the naked baby. I still haven't found any clothes. 5 min. Ok... Daddy takes over the shoe situation before Mommy goes nuts, Mommy roots through he bin in the dark closet until she finds something to wear. 3 min. Daddy gathers the diaper bag contents, and finishes the princess toilette. I get the boy dressed and he wets his diaper. I change it, while I change it he pees on his pants. New pants are found. 1 Min. Baby is dressed and buckled. I quickly grab a blanky for him because the church is cold and run out the door... I run back in. Forgot those shoes! We make it to church with just enough time to run through those songs...
About church well that's another story. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL this sounds like our same run about getting ready for church, however thank goodness for Miss Kennedy because she took over and got Kan ready yesterday and was my absolute life saver. I heart that girl, more than you will ever know!!!
