fall blog

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bath time: a mother's revenge

My Daughter has been referred to as a mud puddle. This is an apt description. She is a messy, messy girl. She and my dog have discovered the flower box on the front of our house. They have destroyed it.
Hailey and Jack take turns cover each other in a thick layer of fine UT sand. Then they come inside and cover everything else. O the delight of pouring dirt over your puppy until his shiny black coat is grey. She is very pleased with how excited he gets the more dirt she applies. They race into the house and run from room to room rolling on the floors. It's ok... Bath time is coming. The muddy footprints in the tub will be washed away along with the mud on the child. 
My daughter loves the tub. She climbs in when its empty and sits there yelling " you have to fill the tub!!!" She loves the tub, but she hates to be scrubbed. So every night I get my revenge. I laugh wickedly as I apply soap to a extra soft washcloth. I gently scrub the toes while she screams her grief over the loss of her mud treatment. She laughs desperately and attempts to "swim" away as I wash her "arm holes". I'll wash her armpits two or three times during a bath. Then comes the ultimate torcher. The washing of the hair. O yes. This is revenge indeed. She screams! She splashes! She has to wash a section of my hair. Then she emerges clean! This is depressing for her and within five minutes she begins to get dirty again. But there is always another bath and I will exact my revenge.

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