We all fall short of our goals sometimes and today was the day that Blake got up at 5:30, Hailey needed to be given breakfast and a story during his nap, I had a night out with some ladies ( which I have not had in over 2 months ) and said little fellow only remained asleep for 15 minutes. I was just about to climb into the shower, when a wail irrupted from the youngest child's cell. He was ready to be released into the world, prepared to climb great heights, drop cell phones into the potty, and empty all the cupboards. You can see why he is incarcerated when supervision is not readily available. I felt, as an experienced warden, I had a way to keep my unruly prisoner safe from himself and the rest of us from his pilfering ways. I locked him in the bathroom with me. In retrospect this was foolish desperation but at the time I was over confident and diluted myself into thinking that snacks, a bottle, and three cupboards ( normally empty but I cleverly placed interesting toys inside to be discovered when our young criminal entered to steal and empty whatever containers he could find) would be enough to distract even a highly dedicated break in artist. I was wrong.
After a few moments of quiet munching the little maniac realized the warden had let her guard down. He then commenced to attempt to tear the shower curtains rod from the wall with glee. The warden, after only a second of consideration, whipped the curtain inside the tub. This limited the prisoners access to the curtain and ruined his fun. The warden smiles and confident smile and begins shampooing her hair, unaware that the small prisoner is preparing his newest trick. Giggles erupt from the other side of the curtain, the warden's confidence is shaken, she pears around the corner. Her heart skips a beat, there is no baby on the floor anywhere, the warden stumbles from the shower oblivious to the water pouring onto the floor. She stops. There is a baby sitting on top of the toilet bowl. The warden sighs. Direct supervision is required. The prisoner is stripped and given bath toys.
Wanted for excessive cuteness. |
Master training her companion. |
Too cute sigh oh all the struggles that parenting entails, you're doing an awesome job though :) next time try shackles bahaha