fall blog

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I am loved

I am loved. I know this because my kids are loving me to death! I have bruises all over my legs from Hailey climbing on them to "nuggle" when I'm feeding Blake. I know they love me because, both of them, constantly want to be with me. Poor Daddy gets left out. I will sit down on the couch to feed Blake and watch a show after dinner, ( We try to limit TV time so everyone wants to watch a "movie" at this point.) Randy will sit on the other couch, and where do you think Hailey will sit? As close to me as she can get. Randy will beg, cajole, and plead. She won't budge. Unless there is ice cream involved, in which case I'm old news, until the ice cream is gone. Then she's back! I will then pass off her brother to his Daddy and snuggle my Hailey. Then Blake will, almost EVERY time, puke on his Daddy.

Blake loves me too. Not just because I smell like food. He knows me and wants me around. The other Day I took Hailey for a bike ride. Apparently Blake was very upset while we were gone. Hailey and I, unaware of the crying and complaining that was going on at home ( I'm sure Blake was fussy too) took our time. When we got home I found that the dog had pooed in the yard. AGAIN! That's a story for another day though so we'll get back to how my kids love me and not how the dog is trying really hard to make me step in his crap. I said to Hailey, " Ew! Dog poopy! I'm going to scoop the yard. Run in and see Daddy." Apparently as soon as my son heard my voice he calmed right down. He knew I'd be coming soon. He just wanted to know I was there. I am loved. Though some days I feel like I'm being loved to death there really is no better feeling.

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