Hailey's Daddy is in Pennsylvania, a fact I am forced to tell her every morning at 6:30 AM, so we are eating leftovers. I don't think I'm going to cook once the whole 10 days that he is going to be gone. I do have to vary the leftovers though. Hailey will tell me " I ate that lunch already." At this point in her life all meals are lunch. The best way for me to change meat leftovers is to make them into various quesedillas on our George Forman grill. I can make burgers, shredded cheese chicken burgers ( we call them that because I really don't have a name for them), and delicious grilled veggie dishes. I love that thing. I can make so many meals with it! I do find that some members of the house aren't as thrilled with my hot weather cooking... This person still prefers to steal the peanut butter Jar and share it with her best friend. That suitcase has carried much contraband out of the kitchen and , as she often tells me, its all on its way to either Nana's or Grandma's house.